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This page is dedicated to providing you with valuable information and resources related to H-2 visas.  From contact information of organizations and legal aid groups to links and phone numbers, we have compiled a comprehensive list of resources to assist you. We understand the importance of your H-2 visa journey, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Explore this page to find the information you need and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need further assistance. Let us be your guide to a successful H-2 visa experience.


Visit these websites for more information about:


Your rights to be paid fairly

If you believe that your employer has not paid you the wages you are owed, you have the right to file a wage complaint. To file a wage complaint, you can reach out to the Department of Labor (DOL). The DOL oversees and enforces federal labor laws, including wage and hour regulations.



Your right to request help from a union

You have the right to join with other workers to improve your pay or working conditions. When you are not working, you have the right to participate in public speeches, rallies, or demonstrations advocating for improved wages or better working conditions at your workplace.



Your right to be free from discrimination 

You have the right to be free from discrimination based on your citizenship status and you have the right to file a complaint.


Your workplace safety rights

If you believe that your employer is not compliant with OSHA standards or if you think there is a serious hazard, you have the right to​ you have the right to file a confidential safety and health complaint and request an OSHA inspection of your workplace.



How to get unpaid wages from your employer

Upon uncovering violations of labor laws, the Wage and Hour Division frequently recovers unpaid wages for the benefit of workers. In cases where these employees cannot be located, it retains their back wages during ongoing efforts to find them.


If you believe that you may be owed back wages, you search the Wage and Hour Division's database for employer or file a claim



 Equality, and your rights to be free from discrimination 

It is against the law for your employer to treat you differently at your workplace based on factors such as your age (if you are 40 or older), gender or sex, race, national origin and ethnicity, color, religion, genetic information (including family medical history), or disability.


Remember that retaliation by an employer against an employee for filing any complaint is illegal. Your employer cannot take action against you for asserting your rights.


Additional Information and Websites 

Below are some additional information and resources that can help you throughout the H-2 Visa Process. These resources cover essential details, tips, and further assistance, designed to equip and empower you with the knowledge necessary to successfully navigate and complete the H-2 Visa journey.





Polaris Project


Wage and Hour Devision

Ombudsman Program

This program aims to resolve issues and concerns related to these temporary work visa programs. The Ombudsman office serves as a point of contact for employers, workers, and other stakeholders, providing guidance, information, and assistance in navigating the visa application process, as well as addressing disputes or challenges that may arise during the employment period. The primary goal is to ensure fairness, compliance with regulations, and to facilitate communication and resolution of problems for both employers and foreign workers involved in these temporary work programs.

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Know Your Rights Pamphlet provided by the U.S. State Department 


These podcasts offered in Spanish by the Centro de los Derechos del Migrants offer. valuable information about the H-2 Visa and workers rights. 

Cómo detectar el fraude en el reclutamiento

Estrategias para protegerte durante el reclutamiento

Discriminación y hostigamiento en el trabajo

Cómo tomar acción para mejorar las condiciones de tu trabajo

Gastos y reembolsos

Salario mínimo

Cómo calcular tu pago y proteger tu derecho a un salario justo

Pago de tiempo extra y descuentos

Información general sobre las visas de trabajo temporal

Contratos laborales

Condiciones peligrosas en el trabajo

Enfermedades o lesiones en el trabajo

Tus derechos si trabajas donde usan pesticidas

Vivienda y transporte


Below you will find the phone number for the main embassies of some of the countries that participate in this visa program. Let them know that your are calling with questions or concerns about your job or workplace  

Image by Alexander Schimmeck

Embassy of Mexico in the U.S.

Image by Héctor Emilio Gonzalez

Embassy of Honduras in the U.S.

Image by Shalom de León

Embassy of Guatemala in the U.S.


Embassy of EL Salvador in the U.S.

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